Types of Articles We Are Expecting:
*Feature article on the failure of government in your community
*Metro news such as an accident report that happened in your area.
*Write features based on things happening around you such as a couple that always fight and you will never wish to have a family like them.
*Your personal confession, such as “conviction of not getting married at all when you grow up and why”; you can decide to be anonymous for publication.
*General guest posts: Such as How To content.
In summary: We only need writers who can write something different from what the mainstream media is focusing on.
We need people who can help us regain the people’s voice.
The media of today is more concerned about what is happening at Aso Rock neglecting how the local government chairmen of Nigerian towns are executing their duties.
We want to cover why the EFCC needs to investigate a corrupt Councillor in your area. These are the kind of stories we are looking for.
Editorial Guidelines:
1) All submission must be original and exclusive to Lanre News
2) Be sure to include pictures, annotation, audio and/or video of events for the sake of authenticity. For interviews, we will require the submission of either the video or audio along with the article.
3) Articles must be unbiased. This means all parties involved in a story should have a voice in your submission. For instance, if you are writing about the negligence of a community Ward Councillor, make sure to include both the residents’ comments and that of the councillor.
4) Integrity is paramount. News articles and features need to be differentiated from Promo article and opinion.
We will not accept works that appear to promote a certain individual or brand except we will be paid to publish such. And the headline will include “kicker: Sponsored”
5) Articles must be error-free as much as possible. In case you are a beginner/novice writer/journalist, always check out leading news websites or some of our published works to see how articles you are working on are structured.
All submission should be sent to [email protected].
No attached document will be regarded as a matter of security. Therefore, we expect all submissions to be embedded as a text in the email.
Author’s ID:
It is important to note that anyone submitting an article to us must include a one-sentence author ID [otherwise, short bio].
This should be repeated for all and any article you will be sending to us.
You may after this indicate if you want an article to be published anonymously, probably for security reasons.
At the end of the bio, kindly include your account details for payment if the article is approved and published (payment is always within 24 hours after the article has been published).
We don’t pay for opinion articles.
We will try our best to inform you of our decision on your sent article. Responses may take up to 72 hours based on the volume of articles we receive.
Breaking News:
For quick attention, if you are sending us news content that needs to be published instantly, include “BREAKING or URGENT” in your Email Subject.
Always remember, you are a Freelance Journalist. Working with us can set you on the path of the next big writer in Africa.
We don’t need you to present your certificate, we only need to see your passion and commitment to improvement.
All submission should be sent to [email protected].
For more info Contact Us.